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The Travis Experience
Travis is a premier destination for children and families across the city—a hub for accelerated education, community spirit, and excellence
Travis TAG #1 in Texas!
We are proud to be ranked as the #1 Elementary School and the #1 Middle School in the State of Texas!
Thursday, November 14th: Join us for our Open House!
PARKING: is available at the office building 3131 McKinney Ave (which is less than a block north from Travis TAG).
No reservation required! Come join us from 5:00-7:30 to learn more about the great things happening at Travis TAG. Self-guided tours, meet the teachers, principal presentation in the auditorium over application and testing info.
Thank you, Part of the Pack!
We are so incredibly grateful to the generosity of our community through our PTA's Part of the Pack! Together we strive for excellence for every Timberwolf!
Travis TAG Admissions and Tours
Upcoming events
On the Horizon
recent highlights
news from our community
Custom Tab treatment - Option One
Seeds of Change: Honoring the Hands that Shaped Nations
For over two decades, Dallas ISD employees have supported an employee-giving campaign that has made a significant impact on various charities in North Texas.
The Dallas Independent School District is sharing important information about a data breach that has affected Dallas ISD and many other districts.
eager to learn and driven to excel